
Vivienne Talsmat is one of the UK’s most sought-after anti-ageing facial experts. The incredible results of Vivienne’s applied knowledge and expertise have led to a ‘referral only’ waiting list. Over the past six months, Vivienne has been seeking out the best anti-ageing skincare and has tried a series of products, brands and regimes.

The criteria for the skincare was rigid. It had to come from a company employed a philosophy of desire to contribute to the health and innate beauty rather than just their bottom line. The product itself had to work and show substantial results. It could not contain any harmful impact chemicals that are left to accumulate in the body tissue. There must be a precise combination of science and nature present.

Although the search for a product that matched these stringent criteria was lengthy, Vivienne found the miracle products that she was looking for. Rejuva Nutrition is proud to introduce the sale of Kat Burki skincare exclusively online.

In combination with the hero skincare products, Vivienne has two exciting new launches.

The first, an exclusive facial using the range with results surpassing any of her client’s expectations. The second, a skin rejuvenation food that targets beauty from within. Vivienne’s Rejuva|Radiance smoothie powder reaches the root of where embryonic skin cells are formed. The combination of high-grade peptide marine collagen and amino acids makes this nutritional supplement highly absorbable, thus increasing the rapidity at which you are able to see results.

Vivienne’s incredible concoction of tried and tested skincare by Kat Burki, nutritional beauty food and physical facials using a range of innovative techniques is transforming faces and providing men and women with an ethereal glow unachievable elsewhere.

Amongst the exhaustive list of benefits, you can expect from Rejuva|Radiance is:

  • Visible signs of ageing are minimised

  • Skin is protected from long-term damage

  • Quality of skin is improved both in look and feel

  • Blemishes are reduced

  • Reduction of fine lines and deep-set wrinkles

  • Prevention of long-term natural collagen breakdown

  • Creates a youthful appearance and dewy glow

  • Skin is nourished from within creating more moisture and preventing dry skin and flaky skin patches

  • Increases the body’s natural creation of collagen thus firming up sagging skin

As with Vivienne’s product development ethos, the Rejuva|Radiance smoothie powder is formulated to work from the inside out, providing the building blocks for a future of fantastic skin. Vivienne has used a high strength of rapidly absorbing ingredients sourced from ethical and sustainable locations to ensure maximum efficiency. There are no animal products, additives, artificial colours or preservatives, GMO products or general ‘nasty’ ingredients. The product is vegan, cruelty-free and like you, 100% beautiful.


  • Take one sachet per day – do not exceed

  • For oral use – take after a meal and not on an empty stomach

  • The benefits of each sachet are enhanced with water consumption of 2 litres per day

  • Must be taken daily for effective results

More about Rejuva|Radiance smoothie powder

Over-farming and pesticide use have led to our soil, and therefore our food, becoming less nutrient rich. For beauty, this means that the healthy diet you follow isn’t enough to reward you with great skin. Rejuva|Radiance bridges this gap by providing you with a hero product that has the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals your skin needs to become balanced, youthful and truly radiant.

With healthy skin being reliant on a healthy immune, intestinal, hormonal, circulatory and detox function within the body, Vivienne’s in-depth knowledge of these areas has profoundly influenced the formula.

The product works by nourishing the very deepest layers of the skin and rejuvenating the cells on the inside allowing for a fresh-faced exterior. When combined with topical skin care products that treat the surface of the skin directly, you are faced with a powerful array of tools to meet your most beautiful self.

More about the Rejuva|Radiance physical facial

After Vivienne’s signature very deep cleanse, your skin will be a blank canvas and taken to extraordinary levels as follows:


Massage to the neck

Reduces tension in the neck muscles and prepares for stage two by increased circulation to the face

Massage to the face

Improves condition and appearance of skin by smoothing and polishing the skin to a glass-like glow, improves circulation to the deep facial muscles, relaxes and tones 43 different muscles, prepares for stage three as our acupressure points are more accessible if the muscles are relaxed)

The massage is one of contrasts; one moment you are deeply relaxed and the next you are stimulated. This effect of clears a lot of the painful emotions that we lock into our faces on a daily and consistent basis.


Tapping the acupressure points along the meridian lines on the skin helps reduce wrinkles. Each meridian (energy line) is linked with a particular organ in the body. The eight meridians in the face connect to the large intestines, stomach, small intestines, bladder, triple heater, gallbladder, governing vessel and conception vessel


Skin Peel

Stimulates collagen and removes pigmentation, old scarring, dark spots and stimulates healthy skin growth


Dermal Roller/ Needling

Stimulates the epidermis, improves circulation to the skin, improves elasticity and collagen production for the next six weeks. It is beneficial to prevent wrinkles and crow’s feet and to make skin more receptive to moisturiser.


Lymphatic Drainage

Encourages the elimination of toxins from the tissues and reduces puffiness


Rebalance Sound Journey

Leaves you feeling relaxed and energised, ready to take on the rest of the day
The science behind this East meets West technique


The face is a complex network of muscles which are being continuously used. As a result, facial muscles begin to collect tension which eventually causes constriction of muscle tissue and decreased circulation to the surface tissues. When blood is unable to circulate properly through these tissues, the facial tissue near the surface begins to die and begins to lose its natural elasticity.

Rejuva|Radiance works on 8 of the 14 meridians (energy lines) in the body which balances the health of the whole person. Each meridian is linked with a particular organ and emotion. When the energy line is blocked or stagnant, then we are more susceptible to disease and negative emotions.

The energy that runs through the meridians in the body, pools in our acupressure points. When any one of the 62 acupressure points on each meridian is worked on, the flow of energy through it is influenced resulting in an improved physical function and psychological condition. The activation of facial nerves as a result of tapping into the acupressure points also means that there is increased blood flow to the face and a natural facelift effect.


Vivienne’s most effective, signature facial techniques are used in this new facial including a powerful, deep cleanse, a gentle yet effective skin peel and lymphatic drainage. Combining this with the Eastern methods carefully sterilises the skin of deeply embedded impurities.
The peel removes dead skin cells and encourages the production of collagen which enables skin tightening and healthy regrowth. Lymphatic drainage simultaneously breaks down subcutaneous fat, gently improving the contours of the face while removing toxins from the skin and the body

More about Kat Burki

Kat Burki’s revolutionary approach to skin care stems from her early disciplined training in Nutrition. Her passion for health and wellness led her to a Health Law degree and a Masters in Health Policy, ultimately joining scientists and epidemiologists researching regional diseases around the globe and their link to nutrition.

Understanding the connection between skincare and healthcare, Kat was inspired to create her eponymous beauty brand. She is mobilising all efforts to bring proven therapeutic concepts to the world of beauty.
Our products change the landscape of conventional skincare.